CBD Phoenix Tears, mary jane's apothecary
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Tear Drops 1000mg / 30ml

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Product Details
Brand: Mary Jane's Apothecary

Phoenix Tears Tear Drops

1000mg Tear Drops.

CBD, Emu oil and Essential oil Infusion.

Excellent for relief of Anxiety, Pain and Inflammation from Arthritis, burns, sore muscles, bruising & insect bites. It is antiseptic, antimicrobial, analgesic, antifungal, anti inflammatory. Phoenix Tears is extremely fast and deep penetrating and great for use on lacerations, abrasions and contusions.

Use by putting 5 or 10 drops under your tongue. Hold under tongue until absorbed. May also be used directly on the skin.

100% THC free Guarantee

-Phoenix Tears- Original Phoenix Tears Flavor of a proprietary Essential oils blend. Our Favorite.

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Tear Drops 1000mg / 30ml
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